TAMIL(Click here for tamil)
       Today I am going to tell about Mr.Tiruppur Kumaran, a freedom Fighter. As we are going to talk about the spiritual things, is it necessary to talk about a freedom fighter ? Yes, because his life teaches us many things. He was born in a small town of  Tiruppur and he was a well performing student. As he grew up, he had dreams, desires, thirst of his own. In those days there was a very big revolution taking place in India. White men were ruling us and we were slaves to them. All over the country there was a slogan. White men go out ! It influenced many youth and one among them was Tiruppur Kumaran.
        Though he had responsibilities in his family,he didn't have second thought about prison, injuries, death even if there is no freedom then whole life should be spent in prison. May be he could become paralysed or physically challenged. There is no sure about his future.
 Finally he took a decision.He himself vanished his dreams. Freedom for his people became his real dream than his family. He threw away the fear from his heart. He became very courageous. Though we have a God who provides the strength. we fear about death when we step into the missionary field. He founded a youth movement called Desa Bandhu youth association. He with other freedom fighters revolted against the British people. During that revolt he was holding our National flag. The British soldiers came to the spot without any notice in advance they charged the fighters. They asked Kumaran to put down the flag from his hand. But this great fighter with much courage he said " Ill never put down my National Flag rather I am ready to die" . He had such an emulation. Then by raising the National flag he left his last breath.
        See, how courageous and emulative he was. His thoughts were filled of Freedom from the British.His goal and focus was to fight for the freedom. He does not know where he will go after his death.He does not know the Almighty God and Jesus Christ, the rock of salvation and the Holy spirit who strengthen us. Then from where this emulation and courage came into him and was working as the heart beat.
        Now let us evaluate ourself. we know the Almighty God and Jesus Christ, the rock of salvation and the guidance of the Holy spirit. we know where we will go after the death.we know that crores of people are not slave to British but in the hands of Satan.They are walking towards the Hell and this too we know it. Where is the courage and emulation? what are we doing with the talents and the Gifts of God? what is our Goal and Dreams?
        We know that we are responsible for their salvation. We know that Jesus is coming soon. When first time Jesus came to this world, John prepared the way for the Christ and to make His path straight. Now for His second coming we are responsible for preparing the way for the Lord. Though we know these much things on what is our goal focus on?
        Jesus said " The Queen of the south will rise at the judgement with the men of this generation and condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here"(Luke 11:31). The Queen of the south is from Sheba. She came to test solomon. Then she testified that " Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever". She came to test Solomon instead she had testified about God though she is not from Israel and she does not know about God of Israel.
       How can she stand against them at the judgement? In 1 chronicles 1:31 tells that He is the wisdom and He is the provider. He is standing before them but they are not obeying and not listening his voice. He tells to those who are not listening that the queen will rise at the judgement. If she is going to come and witness at the judgement. The actions of Mr.Tiruppur Kumaran may affect us not in judgement but our heart. Because we know the past, present, future, promises, Revelation.

Yet we are not able to grow, go forward, finish the assigned work of God, to obey God.Then how are we going to stand at the judgement?
        I am putting forth a say of Jesus,  In John 2:16 " To those who sold Doves he said,  Get these out of here! how dare you done my Father's house into a market!". John has written little deeply about this incident than the other two books of Matthew and Mark. In the Temple court he found men selling cattle's, Sheep's and Doves and some were exchanging the money. He prepared a cord and charged the cattle's and the sheep's. He overturned the table of the money sellers but He turned to the Dove sellers and warned them.Why did he tell the Dove sellers to take the Doves and go away? The Bible tells that He was doing this with a Zeal for the house of God. He overturned the tables of the money sellers, He charged the cattle sellers but why didn't he unlock the cages of the Doves instead of warning them. Because the people who sell Doves are below poverty line people. The Bible tells Leviticus 1:14 and Luke 2:24.  Pigeons or doves. In those days its very difficult to catch doves or pigeons in the forest. It will take many days to catch them. Usually when we  offer we give the best though we does not have money. But people who are under poverty offer the pigeons and that is why Jesus warned them(Leviticus  5:7 and 12:8).   Likewise what message I want to deliver is. There is still a chance to look unto the rock of salvation and lets fix our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith.
A Tamil songs says,
       There are crores of sheep's which are not in the flocks
                   lets have a burden  for those who are unsaved.
      God calls the churches,let us ask Him and He will Guide you.

If you have neglected the call from God make use of this chance and He will guide you. If you are already walking with God, look at Mr.Tiruppur Kumaran and BE COURAGEOUS, TAKE OUT THE FEAR and go forward .


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